
User - Profile

As system users we have the possibility to change information related to our account. To do this, click on your avatar in the upper right corner of the browser window (the default avatar consists of the first letters of your name, e.g. ). In order to edit our data we choose the function View profile.

User menu view
User menu view

After moving on the profile view, a window appears with a possibility to change our data.


Creating a user - general information
Creating a user - general information

In this form, in the General Information tab, we can edit data such as: name, surname, phone, position, cell phone, time zone and description. The fields phone, cell phone, position and description are displayed as a hint after hovering the mouse over the avatar of the user.

Additionally, the user can mark his absence. This information will be visible next to the avatar and after displaying a window with information about the user, which is visible after hovering the cursor on the user avatar.

Quick preview of user data
Quick preview of user data

The time zone field defines the user's time zone. Its change affects all dates displayed in the system. In order to change our avatar, click on the current avatar and select a new image to replace the current one. Confirm your changes with the Save button.


The Notifications section is described here.

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