Law firm

See how you can use the Fortask when running a legal services business.

Separate customer records

Separate customer records

Just like storing documents in separate binders and in Fortask, you can set aside a separate project space for each of your clients. It is within this space that all the subjects that are being implemented will be stored. This way you will have easy access to all documentation related to one subject, plus you will be able to separate access to them by individuals.


Ready-made set of processes

Prepare templates for contract drafting, legal consultations, contract verification and many more in line with your business profile. Thanks to that while performing the entrusted task you will quickly enter them into the system, and what is most important, you will easily find them later by filtering the data according to the type of conducted activities.

Your organizer
Work planning

Your organizer

The use of the built-in calendar will certainly help you organize your work time and schedule your next appointments. You can share the calendar with your assistant, who will know at what times you are available to schedule your next important appointments. In addition, you can also display your to-do's directly in your calendar so you don't miss anything. That's not all, if you use an external calendar you can easily link them together to synchronize your data.

Communication flow
Keep in touch

Communication flow

It's a well-known fact that in this industry you need to stay up-to-date with all legal changes and announced rulings. In this topic, you can use the channels by creating discussion groups on specific topics such as new legislation and there share the acquired information with the whole team. Don't forget about the built-in messenger, which will allow you to quickly exchange information with a specific user or group.

Everything at hand

Your command center

Using a dashboard certainly makes it easier to view data. With the right widgets in place, you'll always have the data at your fingertips, and with a single click you can go to the details where you can verify the progress or give your comments.

Ask for a live presentation

At a meeting with our specialist, you will learn about the Fortask application and how it can help you optimize work in your company.

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