
Projects and folders - Roles

In the Fortask, we can distinguish 4 roles (observer, commissioner, contractor and manager) that a given user can perform in the project, which affect the set of rights that a given person has in a specific project.

Each higher-level role contains a set of lower-level role permissions. This means that the manager has the rights of both observer, commissioner and contractor. The situation is similar for the contractor (observer and commissioning party) and commissioning party (observer).

  • Observer - the primary role that gives access to a given project. A person with this role can see all tasks except private tasks, unless the task is explicitly listed as a task observer. The observer can also comment on tasks / subtasks by default.
  • Reporter – contains all observer rights and can add tasks to a given project,
  • Assignee - in addition to the permissions of the ordering role, the assignee can perform all actions according to the assigned permissions for the role. You can find more about permissions here.
  • Manager – has all contractor permissions, plus access to permissions and notifications dedicated only to the project manager.

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