
Channels - Channel settings

In the channel list or in the channel view itself there is a pop-up menu with settings. If you are not the author or manager of the channel, in the list of available options you will only find the "Change settings" option, which applies to notification settings from the channel. After entering the details you will be able to decide which notifications are interesting for you.

In case you are the author or manager of the channel, the list of options includes such elements as: Edit, Add new members, Delete.

Menu podręczne kanału
Menu podręczne kanału


After entering the edit settings you can change the public/private channel type. Additionally you can edit its name, description and add related user groups. You can also change the settings for permissions in the channel at any time, and more specifically you can disable the possibility of creating new posts by users as well as block commenting on posts.

Add new members

Dodawanie nowych członków
Dodawanie nowych członków

By using the option to add new users you can indicate which users have access to the private channel. By choosing a user you can also indicate whether the user will be a member or will act as a manager and have the same rights as the author.


This option allows you to delete the channel. After deletion, all data is deleted. After this operation, the channel cannot be restored.

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