
Manage - Labels

Manage - labels
Manage - labels

In this section we have the possibility to define labels. The labels are used for tagging tasks / tasks. You can use them on the task list or in an array view.

List of labels
List of labels

Function button opens a pop-up menu, where we can edit and delete.

View of the pop-up menu
View of the pop-up menu
  • Edit - opens a window with the possibility of completing the data related to the labels. These data include the name, color of the label and related projects and visibility.
    Edycja pola predefiniowanego
    Dodawanie etykiety
  • Delete - this function removes the label from the system.

The labels can be used for e.g. applying your own task/job statuses to the system. Thanks to such a solution we can better adapt the application to our needs.

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