Description of changes from October 31, 2022

Adding the day of the week to the schedule view

From now on, in addition to the dates themselves, the schedule view also includes the names of the days. This makes it even easier to find a specific day in your calendar.

Adding information about the end time of the event in the calendar

For the month view, information about the end time has been added directly on the block illustrating the event.

Adding the ability to set columns in tables in the management tab

For management list tabs, the ability to define the displayed columns has been added. Thus, for example, in the user management tab you can display additional user information and manage it more easily.


Adding the ability to filter task templates that have been deleted

In the filters on the task template management list, from now on it is possible to search for all templates that have been marked as deleted. This will make it easier for you to find inactive templates and edit them accordingly before making them available again.

Adding the ability to hide items resolved from to-do lists in the calendar view

An additional option has been added for the calendar showing items from To-Do widgets. From now on, you can decide whether entries that have been resolved should still be visible in the calendar.


Adding information about the task in the notification with a reaction to the comment

In the notification of the response to a comment in a subtask, information about the task to which it relates has been added.


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